Maritime Adventure Stories & Mysteries
Thanks for opening our new site. We hope to publish various items of interest to boatpersons! We will have scanned images of the original RUDDER magazine beginning from 1890, Recordings of SEA STORIES, explanations of WEATHER LORE as well as nautical words and phrases that made their way ashore. Eventually, we will also post the story of a life afloat- from South America to the Arctic, Europe to the Pacific aboard vessels from kayaks to barquentines.
My first schooner command, WHEN & IF

Newly published as a paperback and eBook on Amazon and Kindle- come check it out!.
This will grow into a series for all ages looking for a good adventure along the Coast of Maine..
Classic marine literature recordings-suggest new ones to be added. Listen as your vessel rocks gently
in a safe anchorage or in front of a winter's fire with a warm libation at hand!
The RUDDER scans will begin with the first issue printed in 1890 and continue chronologically ....the ads are as interesting as the stories!
The validity of WEATHER LORE and the reasoning behind the sayings is intriguing: How much can you trust local sayings?